Calorie lists on menus do affect diner’s choices

Gorilla in the Kitchen’s menu features this reassuring message. USA Today reported the results of a study by the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University, published in the American Journal of Public Health. The Yale University study divided diners into three groups. • One was given menus with the calories listed…

Hanukkah 2009 highlights

Holidays, whether secular or religious, have their special rituals and foods that communicate comfort and joy. Hanukkah is not “just about the food,” but no one can deny that food is an important component of the celebration. Emuna Braverman said in Although the food is not the essence of the holiday, it’s not quite…

Koreans aren’t the only ones confused by the cant of coffee

photo by Alexander Galanakis A recent Chosun Ilbo article, titled “Foreign Names Take Over the World of Food,” laments the domination of English coffee terminology in many Korean shops. This is despite the unique passion for coffee in the Land of the Morning Calm among all Asia, where tea usually reigns supreme. An office worker in his…

Gochujang coming to a grocery store near you?

The Marmot’s Hole posted a blog about a story picked up from the Korean Herald. He raises a skeptical eyebrow at the prospects of the forthcoming Annie Chun’s gochujang sauce. It appears CJ thinks America is ready for gochujang, but I’m not so sure that America is ready for gochujang. Again, you can’t make this…

Kimchi in the News: New types of healthy bacteria found in Kimchi

Arirang reports that scientists from the North Chungcheong Agricultural Institute and Chungbuk National University in South Korea have discovered two new strains of “friendly bacteria” that double the growth of lactic acid bacteria during the kimchi-making process. They plan to use this newly found knowledge to develop food supplements.  For more information, go to New…

Kudos for Korean Latkes video, run by the Korean Culture and Information Service, featured my Korean Latke (감자전 kamja jeon) video in its latest post on its food blog. Thanks to latke-craving YouTube enthusiasts, this video has reached 10,000 views and is the third most popular video in search for “latke.” (The first two videos are from YouTube partners.) I’m also…

Common Indian spices may boost breast health

A study released by the University of Michigan (and supported by the National Institutes of Health) found that curcumin, a compound found in turmeric, and piperine, a compound found in black peppers, may “reduce the risk of breast cancer formation by stopping the growth of the stem cells that spawn the tumors.” The study used…

Inspiration behind the ‘Korean latkes’ video

Today is the first anniversary of the posting of this video, and this year tonight is the start of the eight-day celebration of Chanukah. Because traditional foods for the celebration involve cooking or frying in oil, this time of year reminds me of potato pancakes. I took some criticism on the YouTube comments section because…

Korea Times: ‘Wine boom turns to gloom’

Bae Yong Joon may be one of the few oenophiles still living in Korea based on wine’s dropping popularity on the peninsula. (Photo courtesy of Arnaldo Bassini) Wine sales in Korea are continuing to decline according to a Dec. 8 Korea Times article. The Korea Customs Service told the Times that 2009 (at least the…