A “Ginger” and her ginger

I discovered this video while I was snooping around on The Foodie Blog Roll website. This video was produced by The Ginger People, which is a California-based producer of ginger products, including minced ginger, ginger juice, sushi ginger, ginger candies and ginger beer (among other items). I’ve used their ginger in several of my recipes…

Seoul City Wallet

If your favorite Korean (or Korea-phile) man needs a new wallet, consider this wallet with an artistic Seoul cityscape made by Mary Mungovan from Denver, Colo. The wallet is 8″x3.5″, which is the size of a standard men’s wallet in the States. The graphics are printed on double sided premium photo paper and are sandwiched…

My submission to Korea’s official cooking video contest

The (South Korean) Presidential Counsel on National Branding is hosting a cooking video contest. They are asking for English language recipe submissions. So I submitted my video for kalbi, but I had to remove most of the music soundtrack for this contest and re-upload it. The videos have to be posted by March 31, 2010…

Meet Kisa, my research assistant

Many of you enjoyed the photos of my cat Mi-Sook while I was on vacation last October. You probably didn’t know I have another cat in my house. His name is Kisa. He’s not quite as photogenic as his little sister but I can catch him in an amusing moment once in a while. Kisa…

My Father in Law’s wine rack

For someone who rarely drinks wine, he has quite the spiffy wine rack! Actually its just the cardboard dividers from a small case of wine he received at work. If they’re good enough to pack the wine to keep it safe, they’re good enough to display the wine, too.

How-To Make Egg Threads for Gungjung tteokbokki and Bibimbap

If you are a visual person and need a quick tutorial on how to make the egg strips for Gungjung tteokbokki, Japchae or Bibimbap, watch this video. “Egg threads are used in many of the Korean dishes as a garnish to enhance the beauty of the dish. Egg whites and yolk cooked separately will create…

Stone Korean Kitchen, San Francisco

This is what I traveled for an hour and a half one way to taste. Yum! Stone Korean Kitchen is the newest Korean restaurant in San Francisco, officially opening in November 2009. To be fair, I waited four months for any mistakes or deficiencies common to all new restaurant ventures to be resolved. The restaurant…

Preparing for Passover: Moroccan Charoset

This is not a Korean-style Haroset despite the title of this blog. I am introducing you to my favorite version of Haroset. It’s a Moroccan-style Haroset that my friends and family demand I make every Passover. It’s my entry pass to our annual Pesach/Passover seder. No Haroset, no entry! The traditional Ashkenazi Haroset features apples,…

Green Tea may inhibit oral bacteria

A study lead by Yasushi Koyama from Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine and published in Preventive Medicine found that five or more cups a day associated with a 23 per cent reduction in risk of losing one’s teeth from oral bacteria linked to periodontal disease. I guess one could conclude that if you don’t…

St. Patrick’s Day, Koreafornian-style

I was raised in an Irish-American household. Grandfather (of blessed memory) loved St. Patrick’s day fervently. Every year, he would undergo his annual ritual of dying his long, white beard with green food coloring and would make absolutely sure I left for school that day wearing lots of green (so I wouldn’t get pinched). I’m…