A send off to Korea

We had a going away party for a friend who’s leaving for Korea today to start his English teaching adventure. Of course, we had food: pizza, chips, salsa, and kimchi. I sliced up a Korean pear for an appetizer as well. But the most important food to have at a going-away party is dessert and…

A lot to be thankful for at Chusok- INSIDE JoongAng Daily

The Osan, Gyeonggi warehouse of retailer Lotte Mart is stuffed with holiday gifts ready to be shipped out to ensure arrival by the Chusok holiday. Photo courtesy of YONHAP. Chusok is a major Korean holiday which lasts for three days. The holiday is celebrated on the 15th day of the 8th month of the Korean…

Koreans and eating leftovers

Koreans do not have a culture of eating leftovers, however with the increasing amount of food waste clogging up their landfills, the Korean government has spent the past 10-plus years encouraging Korean families to eat leftovers — rather than throw them in the trash — to save landfill space. I found this British website that…

Korea-inspired Etsy favorites

I shop on Etsy.com quite often, especially for one of a kind gifts for friends. It’s one of the best places to find unique items including clothing, artwork, household items and jewelry. Here are some Korean and Korean-inspired items I found on Etsy.com. I do not have a shop on Etsy so I will not…

Bae Yong Joon’s dipping into making Kimchi–OSEN

OSEN reports that Bae Yong Joon’s soon to be released book called Traveling to Find the Beauty of Korea will include two of his favorite Korean recipes. One of the recipes is for a version of Kimchi jeon (kimchi pancake), which includes squid. The other recipe is for a banchan called Oisobagi (stuffed cucumber kimchi),…

Rosh Hashanah in Korea?: Koreans drooling over California Pomegranates

Lotte Mart employees hold up this year’s first shipment of pomegranates from California August 24, 2009 at the store’s Seoul Station branch in downtown Seoul. The abundant sunlight and low rainfall in the American state produce pomegranates known to be extra sweet. (YONHAP photo) Researchers at Kikkoman Corporation in Noda Japan discovered that pomegranates are…

Immigrant women’s dream come true through cooking

Many Westerners, particularly fans of British celebrity chef Jamie Oliver, have heard of his restaurant Fifteen. Jamie Oliver’s website says, In 2002, Jamie Oliver combined two ambitions: to open a top class restaurant and to give disadvantaged youngsters the chance to gain professional training that would set them up for an independent, inspired and productive…

Kkaenip Pesto video featured on ZenKimchi Korean Food Journal

Whenever I make a YouTube cooking video or post an item on this blog, I never know who’s going to see, comment on or pass it to their family, friends and co-workers. People notice the strangest things. So you can imagine my surprise when I found out that ZenKimchi Food Journal wrote about my Kkaenip…

Trend spotting in Dosan Park – INSIDE JoongAng Daily

The Dosan Park neighborhood of Seoul is the current trendsetting neighborhood. When I lived in Korea, all the buzz was about Apgujeong-dong, but not anymore, according to JoonAng Daily. “More boutiques have opened here recently,” said Kim Hyun-jung, a manager at Gorilla in the Kitchen, the Italian restaurant in the Dosan Park area owned by…

Korean wine: Bokbunja joo

If you ask the average person what kind of liquor or spirits Koreans make, the first response is soju. Although soju (소주), a distilled grain beverage with 20 percent to 45 percent alcohol, might be the definitive Korean liquor/spirit, it is not the only liquor product made in Korea. Asian wineberry (Rubus phoenicolasius) courtesy of…