Korea’s hunger for honey butter

The Wall Street Journal’s Korea RealTime blog reported on South Koreans’ having gone gaga over Haetae Confectionery & Foods Company’s “Honey Butter Chip” potato chips.

As it turns out, Americans also are interested in such snacks.

Custom chocolate comes to Korea

Ol’ Blue Eyes did it his way, and Shakespeare provided a buffet of romantic expression in “As You Like It.” Now, the build-it-yourself bliss of custom-crafted chocolate I experienced two years ago from Germany can be embraced via a Korean confectioner. The Chocolate Factory, a new Seoul-based chocolatier, recently introduced itself to Joe McPherson of…

Unleavening the planned meals for Passover

The spring festival of Passover (aka Pesach) this year is coming Friday night, and I have less than seven days to get the chametz totally out of my house. Here’s the what, why and how in jettisoning the leavening in Korea, the States and wherever you are. Buttermilk biscuits are chametz, but the premade dry batter sitting…

Smokers, drink your Yakult!

A recent study published in the British Journal of Nutrition has found that daily supplements of the probiotic Lactobacillus casei shirota, which is a proprietary strain used in Yakult, a Japanese yogurt drink, popular in Korea and throughout Asia, may boost activity of key immune cells in smokers. On a side note, it also showed…

Secret Recipe Club: Spicy Mushroom Soup

Mushroom soup brings back recollections of getting my wisdom teeth pulled in Korea. But for some reason, that memory is not as dismal as one might expect. Drawing by Taryn (tarale), Flickr (Creative Commons license) I had been living in the country for about six months when one of my wisdom teeth really started bothering me….

How to celebrate Pesach (Passover) in Korea in 2011

The Hebrew word chametz includes yeast and other leavening products and bread products made with those products, such as bread, tortillas, cakes and scones. Chabad of Korea can help you deal with these items appropriately. (Tammy Quackenbush photo of Yujacha Scones) If you’re of the Chosen in 조선 Joseon (a Jew living in Korea) and…

April 5th: Korean Arbor Day

I have search far and wide for a yuja/yuzu tree to plant in my yard to no avail. Maybe next year. (Tammy Quackenbush photo)

South Korea limits TV ads on junk food

South Korea “just says no” to junk food advertisements, but at what cost? Photo courtesy of sxc.hu The Telegraph UK newspaper (via Agent France Presse) reported in January 2010 that South Korea’s Health Ministry banned television ads for “junk foods” during prime-time hours (5 to 7 p.m.) as well as during children programs regardless of…

Paris Croissant brings Jamba Juice to South Korea

Paris Croissant (owned by SPC Group, a South Korean food specialty company) signed an agreement with Northern California based Jamba Juice to open 200 Jamba Juice stores in South Korea over the next 10 years. Jamba Juice plans to open their first South Korean store in 2010.  Jamba Juice‘s specialty is “better-for-you food and beverages”,…

June 6: Memorial Day in South Korea

This photo was taken in October 1996 on Bong-gui san Mountain in Chuncheon, South Korea. From this vantage, you have a view of the North. Today is Memorial Day (현충일-Hyeonchung-il) in the Republic of Korea and was established as a day for people in South Korea to commemorate men and women who died while in…